25 November 2022


 Hi Everyone, well what a rush I have been in, so many things to do, however nearly at the end now and I'll be able to show, what I've been up to.

Anyhow, here is one card that had to be rushed! I had forgotten to update my calendar and had to rush and make this card for our Great Nephew. He was 3 last week, how quick time goes. 

 His Sister and he had been bought a motorbike for their combined birthdays, so I had at least an interest to make a card with. I found this dear little image in my files which has been in my files for a long time (2013).  As usual, I print and cut with my Cameo the frame and the image 3 times. I coloured him with DI's and silver ink. He was then layered and added to the frame which I had already attached to the card. 

I then stamped my envelope with the twine stamp I used for the bauble card, (previous post).

 image - Sleike Digital stamp
inks - Distress inks, salty ocean, squeezed lemonade, candied apple
silver ink - Kuretake
frame - JanniScrap Designs
twine stamps - Altenew
 This is the front with the envelope
This is a close up of the front where you can see 
the sheen of the silver ink where the chrome should be
 this is the insert, that I put together ion Photoshop and printed

I hope you are all dry and warm with this awful weather we are having, rain, rain and more rain. There we were worried that our reservoirs were too low, and people were worried about the drought, now we deal with flooding! Ah! The good old British weather ay? Have a great week.


Janette said...

Hi Faith I LOVE this cutie, its so perfect for a little boy, just gorgeous and the string stamp on the envelope is wonderful, never seen that before, is it an old-ish stamp...
Hope you have a good weekend, I think we are all sick of the rain its too much. Take care.xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

How fun and personalized card for your little Great Nephew!! I'm sure he will be so excited for it! A very impressive design!
Have a lovely weekend, hope that rain will stop!

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous card inside and out love the brilliant image and sounds just perfect.We have sun today but freezing have even just had to put the heating on!
Carol x

brenda said...

Sounds like the perfect image for the little fellow Faith, it's so sweet and really pops with the chequered border.

Don't know about water shortage, the Ouse near us is at bursting point which we've not seen for a year or two.

B x

cuilliesocks said...

What a perfect card for your little one, lovely bright colours and a great design, Kate x

HilaryJane said...

This is great, I love the way he seems to be going on a journey through the card. You will be pleased to hear that I took your advice and cut out an image with my scan n cut and stacked it just as you do. I have to say, it worked a treat so thank you for your advice and encouragement. Owen will love his special card xx

Maria said...

Super cute card with little guy on the motor bike! Wonderful color and love the checked border! Happy 3rd birthday to Owen!!

Shirley Young said...

Brilliant, fun card Faith, you always manage to find just the right image to suit the occasion and this is just perfect xx

Linby said...

Yes lot soft rain!
This is just so perfect for Owen and I'm sure he was delighted with it.

Chana Malkah said...

I am sure the little man was delighted with his card!
Very nicely laid out, Faith! The papers evoke the feel of the 1950's!


Hetty said...

Such a cute card for a 3yr old boy in happy colors!

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is gorgeous Faith, I am sure it was appreciated by the little chap.

jimlynn said...

So very cute and just perfect for a 3 year old! Love the black and white checks and of course that image too. Fantastic card.

Mia said...

This card is perfect for your little nephew, Faith. I love it! Hugs, my friend.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Faith, the sun came out here this afternoon and it was like HEAVEN! No more rain...for a few days at least, lol. Now, I very much love your card and I know he will as well. And LOVE how you did the insides, too!!! Really eye-catching and finishes it perfectly. Try to stay dry and, as always, well and happy! XOX

Rosemary said...

Perfect card for a 3 year old boy, Faith! I bet he loved it.

Inkyfingers said...

What a lucky little chap to have such an awesome card custom-made for him! You really hit the mark with this fabulous card, Faith and I bet it will be saved in his memory box to look back at and appreciate your creativity.
Hope you are keeping well.
Carol x

Brenda said...

I am looking forward to what you've been up to Faith! This card is just adorable! I love the image of the little boy on the motorbike, too cute! Love the colors you selected for him as well as that checkered background. So fun! I also love, love, love that twine stamp. You might have had to hurry making this card, but it sure doesn't look like it! Fab card! I bet your nephew and his sister enjoy their motorbike! Hugs, Brenda

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice card inside and outside thanks for sharing!!!

Pat said...

What a super card for your 3 year old great nephew Faith, just perfect in those bright colours, and the inside looks as wonderful as the outside, and I love the stamped twine bow on the envelope too..great attention to detail. x

Chrissy said...

Fabulous, fun and cute card Faith, such a cute image and love the black and white check frame, looks amazing..


Karen Letchworth said...

Hi Faith! Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning to comment on my card. I completely hear you when you say "I thought I'd already commented on this card.." because I often leave a comment on a blog only to learn that it didn't publish somehow. I'll never quite understand Blogger. LOL
Your motorbike card is adorable. What a darling image and you color so nicely. Of course, I would LOVE to have you come share your art with us at Word Art Wednesday. That's always a blessing to me, and your comments on my blog are always a blessing to me as well. I do hope you are having a blessed and creative week.
www.karen-mycuprunnethover.blogspot.com - My Personal Blog
www.wordartwednesday.blogspot.com - Challenge Blog (I don't really like saying "My" challenge blog. Although I own/run it, it belongs to God, and He is the One who blesses it. I'm just helping out....trying to shine His LOVE and goodness to everyone. Take care and please join us when you can.

LeslieT said...

Missed this post completely because I didn't get notified by Follow.It. Super adorable image, and I love the background you created in PhotoShop! Awesome card!

baileyrosy.com said...

Well this card certainly has a lot going on and in a good way, must have taken ages but it's definitely worth it as the result is stunning.


pinky said...

That is super cool and I bet he loved it! The black and white paper makes everything else pop!