14 May 2024

Yellow flowers birthday card

 Hi Everyone, my card today was for a girlfriend of one of the Nephews in the family. I had had the stamp in my magazine subscription and wanted to use it right away. I thought of a design of adding the image as a centrepiece of the card. The flowers were stamped twice and coloured. Next I stencilled a flower stencil avoiding the stamped flower, I also only went to the bottom of the stems to help "ground" the flower, although it doesn't seem it has in the photo. 

The stamped flowers were added to yellow card and attached onto the base card. I stamped the sentiment. Next, the flower heads were fussy cut and placed onto the flower image. 3 yellow gems were then added.

I forgot to take a photo of the insert, as it was a bit of a rush to send it. I stamped a flower head and added more stencilling and a verse.

stamp set - The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
Magazine freebies SC&P #254
stencil set -  Amazon
inks - Distress Inks, squeezed lemonade, fossilised amber, mowed lawn, rustic wilderness, tumbled glass
yellow card - Lidl
gems - stash

EDIT! I was in so much of a rush I sent it a month early DUH!


A Celebration too, at the

Allsorts Challenge


Leslie said...

So very pretty! Love the dimensional flower heads! And nothing wrong with sending it early, lol! ;)

Carol L said...

Those yellow flowers look so pretty and I like the stenciling behind them. Better to send early than late!!!

crafty-stamper said...

Absolutely beautiful card and image Faith,love the flowers and stencilled flowers too.I least it wasn't late lol.
Carol x

coldwaters2 said...

This is beautiful Faith those flowers, the colours and the stencilling look AE
lolo x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

A fabulous card, love that bunch of flowers and your fussy cutting is just perfect, I thought was made with Scan&Cut! I'm not so accurate :) Lovely delicate stencilling on the back!

cuilliesocks said...

A beautiful card Faith, lovely flower image and such a lovely stencilled background. Beautifully designed too, Kate x

Chrissy said...

So very pretty Faith, I love the stamp and of course the yellow being my favourite colour and lovely soft background..so glad you are feeling better...


Aimeslee Winans said...

Omy gosh, I've done that too, Faithie. I told them well just don't open it yet, lol. And artistic license on the grounding, it looks fab, not to worry. Hope you are well, my fingers need to quit hurting, xoxo

brenda said...

A lovely fresh look to your pretty card Faith, sure with was well received.

B x

Sarn said...

A lovely floral card Faith.

Forgot to say in my last comment that I hope you're recovering nicely from the virus. xxx

Vicky Hayes said...

This is so beautiful Faith! I love the stenciled background, which shows of the flowers beautifully, and I love the way you stopped at the bottom of the stems to ground the flowers. Vicky x

pinky said...

It looks so fresh and beautiful Faith, very pretty card!

Inkyfingers said...

What a fresh design, Faith! I love the bright flowers and really admire your excellent fussy-cutting skills. The soft background stencilling really makes the flowers pop. How funny that you were a month early with the card - I know about belated cards so I wonder what we should call these lol!
Hope you are well,
Carol x

Beebeebabs said...

Very pretty, thanks for sharing!!!

Maria said...

Such a pretty interesting card! Love the stenciled background and the pretty bright flowers! I’m sure the recipient loved it!

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

EmmaT said...

Gorgeous card, love the coloursx

Rosemary said...

Lovely card, Faith. I think the stenciling provides the perfect grounding for the pretty flowers!

Pauline C said...

Beautiful bright card Faith, what a lovely floral image xx

Lisa said...

Very happy daisies and great CAS feel to the card.

creationsnz said...

Better than sending it late! A very pretty card Faith, love those colours together. CarolG