17 August 2022

Blogger Help

 Hi Everyone, I've been having trouble, as you know, with Blogger and commenting etc. I couldn't get into a Blog to leave a DT comment and emailed the owner, as I thought her card too good not to leave a comment.

Anyhow, I had a reply from the administrator of her blog, who turned out to know, as far as I am concerned, all the answers. She not only got me into the blog, but has a blog of her own to help other bloggers in my situation. 

I thought I would add a link to her blog, so that anyone else in my situation of not being able to comment will have the help to do so.


Thank you Linda for all your help.


Now about the garden - again! After digging up everything and replacing at the beginning of the year, we are thrilled that the shrubs and plants have made such great growth this year, the next few years or so should it all filled out. - Don't worry I'll keep you up to date hahaha

hubby also made the border straight to help keep work down.
Hubby grew a lot of these from seed, and they are around the garden. 
I call this my "Trifid" plant, it's actually an Aramanthus  
I found out on Google that - 
"Amaranth is rich in antioxidants, including gallic acid and vanillic acid. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are damaging by products of normal cellular activity, helping to reduce everything from signs of ageing to heart disease."
Mmm reduce ageing? perhaps I had better eat a few tons? 😉
this is Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight". The flower is about 12 inches (30 cm) long and huge as are others on the shrub, it's only been in a couple of years and is filling out well from being a small shrub to start.

 I could go on and on about the garden, but will leave it for another time, you'll be glad to know. I also hope the link above will help if you've been in my situation. 
Until next time, keep safe and well.


Janis Lewis said...

Beautiful garden!!!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Faith, your garden is lovely. I love the border. Limelight’s are so pretty. I see them on many blogs and admire their gorgeous blooms. Thank you for the shout out. I hope my post helps bloggers who are having a difficult time commenting. Take care.

LeslieT said...

Your garden is so beautiful! Green thumbs, for sure! And thanks for the link to the blog info!

Sarn said...

Thanks - will check out the link you've given.

Wonderful before and after shots of your garden. Looks like you have a great view of some mountains too!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden faith it looks so pretty. Thanks for the link to this helpful blogger. Xx

crafty-stamper said...

Garden is looking beautiful and thank you for the blogger link
Carol x

Rosemary said...

Your garden is absolutely gorgeous, Faith. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.

Shirley Young said...

Thanks for the link Faith, I’ll post it on my Blog if that is OK. As for your garden, it is looking lovely and I’m sure it has appreciated the recent rain !

coldwaters2 said...

Blogger is no fun at the moment it has taken me hours to leave comments if I am lucky thank you for the link and your garden is beautiful
lorraine x

cuilliesocks said...

Your garden is looking good Faith and the flowers are beautiful.
Thanks for the link on blog help, always useful to have, Kate x

Maria said...

Gorgeous photos of your garden!! The flowers are so beautiful!!

cotnob said...

Thank you for the information Faith, your garden is looking fabulous, lots of hard work I imagine.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Vicky Hayes said...

Your garden's looking wonderful Faith and what a gorgeous view you have! My daughter and her fiancee, who are busy planning their wedding, have decided to honeymoon in North Wales where there are some pretty spectacular views too!! When you've had your ton of Aramanthus, I wonder if you could send a couple of tons over this way lol! Vicky x

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hello, Faithie. I just love seeing your garden, thanks for the pics! I say, post often now, in short order it will be autumn. That plant name sounds Shakespearean, lol, Err a man, thus! Heehee So glad you got your blogging problem solved. XOX

Linby said...

Beautiful garden and such lovely flowers.

Carol L said...

Your gardens show a lifetime of hard work and what a fabulous result! I cannot get over the size of those gorgeous hydrangeas!! Walking into your yard and gardens every day looks like a little piece of heaven! Good job on everything! Thanks for the helpful link too!

Carol L said...

Your gardens are fabulous and it shows a lifetime of hard work that's gone into creating them! I absolutely love those gigantic hydrangea blooms - wow! Walking into your yard/gardens is like a little slice of heaven. Thanks for the helpful link too!

Helen F. said...

Faith, I simply LOVE your beautiful gardens! The Before and After photos are incredible!

R's Rue said...

Happy Monday my freind. Reggine