Haven't got news as such, my son's illness has been bad in the last week so time has been spent with him. I'm afraid to say both DH and I are getting too old for getting up a number of times a night and on call in the day as well. Oh! well there are MANY people in a worse state than us, so I mustn't grumble.
I was looking for something on the web tonight and came across my Ice Cream Personality, HERE I have to say it made me think. The only one I can think maybe a tad wrong is the "one track mind", although as I write to say it's not me, I think again and maybe their right about that too!
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.
You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.
You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.
You are a serious and contemplative person. You definitely do your own thing in life.
So onto doing my own thing LOL
Here is a card I did after getting the scrapbook kit This is Love by Dawn by Design at the Digichick. I thought initially it would be too dark, but I love the effect and I am pleased with the overall card. The main card is printed and then the heart, leaf and flower are decoupaged in layers, the lace which I think is realistic is also printed. I have been learning how to do shadows in PS and I think I am getting the hang of them with the help of Megan Turnidge at Scraporchard and her ready made "style" shadows, which I now understand and can do my own. I'd better show it to you hadn't I?
Oh! yes, I did clean up the glitter LOL.

http://ooh-la-la-creationschallenges.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/ooh-la-las-love-story.html Love Story
http://cheerfulstamppad.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/challenge-53-you-have-my-heart.html You have my heart
http://createdwithlovechallenges.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/cwlc-27-valentines-day.html Valentines Day
http://www.creativecreationschallenges.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/3-it-must-be-love.html It must be Love
http://melonheadzfriends.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/time-for-valentines-challenge.html Valentines
What a beautiful card! Love the colors. Thanks for playing along with The Cheerful Stamp Pad challenge. (I'll never see 60 again either LOL)
It's lovely Faith and the lace fooled me - I certainly thought it was the real thing.
Faith, what a beautiful card. I am sorry to hear your son is ill. Thanks for joining our Valentines Challenge at Created With Love Challenges
What pretty lace, Faith! It's amazing that you can do that on the computer! I love the not so traditional colors too!
Such a pretty card and I love the lace! Thanks for joining us this week at Created With Love Challenges for our Valentines Day Challenge
Faith, I'm so sorry to hear that your son isn't well. Life never seems great after losing sleep either.
I love the card - very romantic - and the lace is so lifelike.
I've had to give myself a stern talking to and not allow myself to do the ice cream personality test!
Take care, Vicky x
What a beautiful card and the lace fooled me too
Thank you so much for sharing with us at ooh la la this week
Terrific card! I LOVE the patterned paper and beautiful heart detail. Thanks for playing along at Created With Love Challenges.
This is a lovely Valentine card, gorgeous rich colours.
Thank you for joining us at Ooh La La Creations.
Hi Faith, I'm so sorry to hear your son isn't well - I didn't know that he has a medical condition. Not easy having to get up in the night :(
Your card is beautiful and so romantic!
My personality test was very accurate! Thanks for the link!
What a lovely elegant card and I have to say that the lace had me fooled it looks so realistic. Thanks for sharing with us at Ooh La La Creations
Great card Faith, love that pretty lace. So sorry about your son, I hope you some rest soon, hugs :) Viv xx
Love the layout of this card!
Thank you for joining us at Creative Creations Challenges. We hope you'll come back again soon x
Jill DT x
Your card is beautiful! Very creative to use the beautiful lace on it!
Thank you for participating in the MelonHeadz Challenge!
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