Hi Everyone, I've done a few things in the last few days, so thought I would share a little with you. This is a picture heavy post. I'll put a bullet dot before the stories and headed them in bold, so you can skip any as you want to.
We went for a car ride up to the Brecon Beacons, it is a barren, but so beautiful place, with plenty of sheep and wild horses, we saw a few new foals, but as we couldn't stop on the road I couldn't get a photo of them boo hoo, they were so beautiful. This was taken on the move in the car.
we arrived at the Cantref Reservoir,
this is toward the little island of conifers at the end,
because the water was so high, we couldn't make it out!
the other end, where it overflows
while there, a goose, was going to each car, I suspect for food
There is always a lot of cars in the vicinity to climb Pen y Fan mountain. but today it was spread a long way from the parking area, along the road.
Pen y Fan is the highest peak in South Wales, situated in the Brecon Beacons National Park. At 886 metres above sea-level, it is also the highest British peak south of Cadair Idris in Snowdonia.
still in the Brecon Beacons National Park, about a mile away,
we stopped and I had to take this of the valleys.
this little road of typical Welsh terraced cottages on the edge of Brecon town.
I thought they looked beautiful with their painted fronts.
this was from Brecon to the Heads of The Valleys A465 road,
just a gorgeous ride.
AND THEN - we were told the road to home was closed due to major engineering work going on with the A465, the work involves cutting away the mountain, so I should think it safer to close it. LOL. They have been on it for about 2 years already and I think at least another year to go.
We decided, as we were about an half an hour from home, we would follow the diversion signs, although we could have gone onto the M4. It took us nearly an hour to get about 2 or 3 miles further than we had been before the diversion.
BUT, it was through Valley villages we hadn't seen before and it was such a beautiful ride on a beautiful day, we didn't mind, but felt sorry for people who followed the signs and had to get somewhere by a certain time or were on a long journey and hadn't looked up on the web if the road was closed, like us!.
I haven't altered the photos, so lots of sun flair - sorry.
The Hawthorn (May) blossom at the end of the garden

Roses in bloom on the arch
Phlox and Saxifraga make a great pair?
two Azaleas
- After decorating a refresh
We have been decorating the living room and putting everything back, I realised how washed out the framed pictures had become, so off to my files to see if anything would be suitable and found these, which were perfect for the colours of the room. I was checking if the image would be OK and realised I should take a photo to remind me of what they were, AFTER I had already replaced one LOL
Roses watercolour - scarlett - Creativefabrica
I added a frame around the image, which had been in the old ones and was thrilled with the result. All designed in Photoshop, I wish I could paint like this!
you remember the cards I threw away? I redid it and got the result I wanted. My buying of the Foil Quill was NOT a waste, I am thrilled with it. I can now foil whatever my Silhouette will cut or write.
This is the card I redid, I haven't altered the photos in any way.
images - Love Spring Florals - Creativefabrica
I hand "stitched" with my Uniball pen the gold stitches around the blue card.
If you made it to the end of the post well done, I hope you enjoyed my mix up.