Hi Everyone, this is long but hopefully interesting?
You must be wondering where I am and why I haven't visited, well the reason is we are having a new kitchen in mid October and due to new electrical work we have to empty our very full loft - UGH! It contains a lot of our last 2 houses and my Mothers "stuff". as as we downsized, it all went into the loft. SO! I decided that everything must be sorted and the loft emptied for good. It will mean my son will have little to do after our days, - well gotta be prepared.
I also have hubby off sick! he had his eyes operated on this week so that his tear ducts work again. Lots of pain and swelling around his eyes, and as this is the second time he has had it done they had to play with the scarring from last time and the internal stitching. So with everything going on he opts out of helping! poor man. He does have a valid excuse.
On to the kitchen which is 25 years old, a few of the cupboards are definitely showing their age. It's a small room with no option to enlarge it, due to the design of the bungalow. BUT it works. I LOVE my floor, but it's going and a new one down.
Due to this upheaval and the sorting I'm going to be absent most of the time. I am overloaded to sort it out in a few weeks, and
hope to be back soon. I still have a few DT work that I am trying to keep up with and I am duty bound to do that, I believe.
So far I have found my son's terry napkins (diapers) and towels we used for him, he's 42, also my wedding dress and veil screwed up in a carrier bag - NO I can't fit into it. And that will go back into the loft! :( Also some pillowcases that were engagement presents and were still in their original boxes after 55 years, now after being washed, they are beautiful and I am going to use them at last.
I wonder if pillowcases are given as presents these days?
I have also found books from the 1930's and other books which are still good enough to go to the charity shops, you can see some of the photos below. Also thousands of slides/transparencies and photos, which are the biggest challenge to sort. My son wants to know if I have had news that hubby and I are departing this world, as that's what it seems like, it is a true house clearance.
That is my excuse for not visiting, but hope it won't be too long when I am back with fresh ideas and an empty house. - I hope!
Why do we hoard stuff we don't use?
AH! but the memories are wonderful -
most of the time.
These were amongst the first load of boxes that will be staying with me.
I hope you won't be bored?
this is how a painting was/is wrapped, you can see little bits of the crumbling paper |
watercolour painting by my Grandfather in 1894, he would have been 24
sadly the paper is so fragile, it's breaking into bits. |
This is his signature, showing he copied it. |
Now a few books, that I'm fascinated by. The Chums book is a wonderful book.
it is dated an Annual 1935 / 1936 |
These are a few of the pages of this VERY dated, even in language, boys book.
- The left book is one belonging to my Mother, I used this a lot when younger, a few of the things in it are crafts forgotten - perhaps?
- The middle book is about learning music - as it says, it's really good
- Then the Chums book showing it's disrepair